Monday, September 7, 2009

What a ride!

These last few days have been absolutely crazy! It started Friday, with my husband's 20 year high school reunion. I was up far later than my normal bedtime! Then Saturday night....same thing, but even later. Then last night....started to go to bed at 8...and couldn't sleep! Ended up staying up intil 1am....AGAIN! It is going to be a rough couple of days adjusting my body back to a normal schedule.

The reunion was terrific. I had a great time meeting many of my husbands friends, and putting faces to the names I have heard so many times. It was also great to see my husband really enjoying himself. He had a blast.

We also had an old friend of his here from Iowa for a couple of days. It was great to get to know an old friend, to find out more about his life and to see pictures of his family. I felt very bad for him though. This had to be an extremely rough weekend....he got almost NO sleep! He is definitely going to need a vacation from THIS vacation!

So, this week starts school, for all three kids. It is going to be a very rough year...schedule wise. I am praying for wisdom and discipline.

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