Tuesday, September 22, 2009

4US and Priorities

Well, we are in the aftermath. This weekend was 4US, year 5. It is amazing. And exhausting, and demanding, and not over. My work really just started. And my house looks like it. Right now I am struggling with my priorities. How can I make 4US a priority and still keep my family as #1. Or should my family take a back seat for a little while? It is hard to know. And I hope that God will bless me as I seek the answer to this.

I took a few days pretty much away from the family to work exclusively on 4US. Actually, Kara, Nathan and the kids were there the whole time, I was just very busy. Is it wrong to put aside my motherly/wifely duties to work for 4US? I don't think it is. I think that the benefits to my family far outweigh the negatives, for a time. What really concerns me is the amount of time that it takes for weeks before, after, and during the event. How can I keep a schedule and still do what needs to be done 4US? How do I go about picking up the aftermath of an event like that and the pieces of my family. I feel 20 steps behind, and getting farther behind ever so quickly. I know the end will come, life will get back on schedule, but I am feeling the strain of the chaos. I crave a schedule, without interuptions, one that I can cling to and know there is time for everything. Right now everything is in chaos - the kids schooling, the house, 4US, my responsibilities. How do I know where to pour what little time I feel like I have? I pray that God will give me the answer.

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