Friday, August 14, 2009

Busy...busy...desperately busy

It has been too long since I blogged. Especially being that it was a New Year's resolution, but oh, well. Lots has happened. Most specifically was Josiah's bacterial meningitis. But that is for another day.

This summer has been a lot of fun. I thoroughly enjoy spending time with my kids. I love summer vacation, and hate when school starts again. Lucky for me...this year Josiah will be doing an online academy, so I will be his learning coach/fellow student for a majority of the school day. He will attend Idlewild for a little also, so he maintains friendships and peer contact. But I am soooooo happy to have him home more! I hate when they leave for school.

Next week I will have my hands very full. Both my brother and sister will be going to work for the week, giving me 4 extra little girls, ages 4, 4, 2, and 1. I can't wait! My kids are very excited for "Cousin Camp" and are planning activities and things. We are also trying hard to clean up our house and "toddler-proof" is again, at least sort of. It has been a while since we had a toddler in the house, and we are trying to "purge" and go back to living in a "simple" house. That has left a ginormous pile of stuff for our garage sale right in front of our door. Today we got most of it picked up and taken up to Josiah's room. We have made quite a bit of progress toward the garage sale, but still have a long way to go.

Some of the things we need to prepare for "Cousin Camp". Menu that is easy, the kids will like, and we can stick too. Then need to get grocery shopping done on Sunday. Recipes....edible playdough, fun snacks, that kind of thing. Our character quality for the week is "gratefulness", so we are going to include the little ones and are printing our coloring pages, and making a porcupine out of pipe cleaners. We hope to run through the sprinkler, watch the newest VeggieTales movie, and read some books too. We also want to make concrete garden stepping stones, so we need to get those materials in the next few days also. I really wish we had a 15 passenger van, so we could go to the park, but alas...not yet.

To make us even busier! The Danskin Triathlon is the weekend. Tomorrow I will be taking my bike up to Seattle, and picking up my race number and such. The family has not been to the traithlon in a few years....rain, sickness, laziness on my part. But they are coming this year, and I am looking forward to that. Noelle did not want to go though, she doesn't remember it at all, and thought she would have to DO the triathlon. Poor girl. She was fine with it once I told her she could just watch. Though this really hinders my preparation time for next week, I am glad to have a little "me" time this weekend. I really enjoy the triathlon, and hope to really run this year. I have never really run well in the triathlon, but having finished two half marathons now...well, I'm hopeful.

Better get to work!

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