Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What to do??

So many options! And so little time!

It is Wednesday, the middle of spring break. The first half was consumed with Randy's parents either coming (must clean house!) or spending time with them. We enjoyed this trip probably more than we have ever enjoyed them before. The kids absolutely loved them. They got spoiled, but were very gracious and behaved beautifully the whole time. I was very proud. It was a fun spring break.

But now we are alone. Today and tomorrow we have nothing planned. Our house is clean, the laundry is mostly done, and we can just be together. How can I make this special and not waste this time just doing the usual? If we are not careful, this chance will be gone, with nothing to show for it.

I believe we will play lots of games, have good food, and watch some movies. I kind of hope to sneak in a date with my husband also. But we will see.

I delight in my family. I am proud of them, I enjoy spending time with them. I love the people they are becoming. I love the way they love each other (most of the time). We are a team. We work best together.

We did get some things done with around here despite our company. We got the garden going, weeded, added compost, and planted a lot of broccoli, spinach, lettuce and some peas. And today it is raining, so everything will be well watered.

We also got Rayana riding a bike, and that is quite an accomplishment. For the last two years (since I removed her training wheels) she has refused to get on her bike. And had since outgrown it, and really had nothing to ride. Her grandparents bought her a new bigger one, and she learned to ride it yesterday. Stopping and turning are still issues, but that will come. She is very excited, as am I, about all the possibilities that are open to us. She can't wait to ride to the pumpkin patch in the fall.

Ok, off to make a grocery list and get that done so that we can just be together.

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