Thursday, August 20, 2009

A year and half ago, one of my new years resolutions was to be more green. It has had a pretty big impact on us and the way that we do things. Some are obvious ways....we recycle more, we use more organic or natural products. But many ways I might not have expected. I think rather than becoming more green...we have become more simple. By simple, I mean living the way people might have decades ago. We make most if not all of our own cleaners. We use rags instead of paper towels, cloth napkins instead of paper. We compost. We make our own laundry soap. We have pretty much eliminated prepackaged food from our home. We make own bread, grind our own wheat, make bagels, tortillas, pitas, english muffins, etc. None have been perfected, but we are working on that. We hang dry much of our laundry. We try to buy efficiently, when we have to purchase. We have a garden now. We are much better about storing our food, and using it before it spoils.

All of this to say....simple is not really simpler. It is just different...basic. And very enjoyable. I appreciate our food much more when I see the work that it took to create, whether that be from my garden, or homemade bread. It make me feel better to use laundry soap that I made. There are so many lost arts, so much independency that I hope to recover.

We are working hard (at least I am), on getting rid of half of what we own. Half is not actually very realistic, but it does put me in the right mind frame. We own too much. It clutters our life. It stresses. It breaks, gets stained, ruined, lost. I want to own far less, and then be a better steward with what I do own. Our garage sale is in two weeks. We have lots to get rid of. And a lot more to go through before that time. My hope is that when it is finished. Everything will have a place. Every thing will have a home. And we will know where that home is!! Our goal is to earn enough to purchase the Little House on the Prairie DVD set. We are enjoying watching those immensely. I am sure we will make this goal, but it sure helps the kids to have a goal, and to see what they will be getting for all their giving up.

In family philosophy...own less, appreciate and care for what you do own. And be grateful for everything. "What do you have that was not given to you? And if it was given to you, why to act as though it was not?" It's our verse for the week, and such a good reminder that all we have is actually God's, and needs to be cared for and used for His purposes.

Now to tackle the next drawer!

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