Friday, March 20, 2009

Concert with the kids

Last night I took the kids to Seattle to go see the Rock and Worship Roadshow. It was a concert with Mercy Me, Jeremy Camp, Hawk Nelson, Tenth Avenue North and Addison Road. I had not been to a concert since I was pregnant with Josiah, and the kids had never been to a concert. It was quite an ordeal, as the kids usually go to bed at 7:30-8 but the concert didn't start until 7. We knew it would be a late night, but I didn't realize how much the kids would be affected. We didn't get home until about 11:30. Thankfully, the kids slept on the way home.

Noelle fell asleep on the way to the concert, no problem. Until we were a few blocks from the concert and I realized that she had had an accident in there sleep. I don't bring changes of clothes for them anymore...though maybe I should. Be had brought pajamas to change into after the concert, so the kids could go to sleep on the way home though. But Noelle's were too cold, and rather loud, so she put her sister's pajama pants on and off we went.

The concert was great. It was fun to watch the kids dancing, yelling and really enjoying themselves. Rayana got tired very early, and just couldn't stay awake for at least half the concert. It seemed a bit unusual, because usually, she is the party animal and can stay awake for days. Then when I got her up this morning, I realized she was sick and had a fever! The poor girl...sleeping through a concert!

Noelle was very good, I had fun sitting by her, and loving on her while she daydreamed and watched the lights. Josiah looked bored out of his mind. He was also extremely tired and started to nod off a few times. But when Mercy Me played "Imagine", he was wide awake and singing along. On the way back to the car, he kept talking about how great the whole thing was and how much he loved it. I guess his expression is not necessarily an indication of what is going on in his head.

The best part for me, was watching my kids practice what we have been trying to teach them. Before we walked in, I overheard Josiah telling his sisters that is would be very crowded and they needed to listen to me, stay close, and hold his hand so they wouldn't get lost. So they did. They obeyed perfectly, held each other hands (even though it has to be very uncool when you are 10 to hold your sister's hand), and cooperated fully. They were considerate of the people sitting around us and thoroughly enjoyed themselves and the concert. I was full of joy!

The concert was impressive. I have kind of avoided concerts, in part because of the cost, and in part because of the cost (out of our pocket!). This was different. We would not have gone if it was more than $10. In fact, all night I was waiting for the we would have to pay another $20 each or stay and pick up every bit of trash before we could leave. Instead, the artists asked that the money go the a few charity causes that were at the event. I believe God was honored by that philosophy. The focus was on worshipping God and using what he has blessed us with to bless others. It was right. I was excited to be a part of it.

Worshipping with your kids has got to be the best thing in the world. And to see their excitement over a new CD is great. I know they have the best in that CD. Good intentions, great words and a heart for God that is demonstrated over and over. I love that this CD will take us back to that place, and to those memories.

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