Friday, January 2, 2009

The players in my life...

I am a stay at home mother of three wonderful kids. I also do a little bit of substitute teaching in my kids schools. I have also been involved for the last year in a terrific charity called 4US. I do some bookkeeping/recordkeeping. 4US hosts a bike/run/walk/motorcycle event once a year that helps raise money to buy ultrasound machines for our local crisis pregnancy centers.
My kids are both home schooled and attend public school. I say that because I believe that their education is completely my responsibility. School is a place that we use to both to help educate our children and as a place for them to practice walking like Jesus in the real world. It is important for me to be at home with them so that I can guide them to becoming the men and women that God wants them to be.

Josiah is almost 10. He has started a new school this year in a special class for highly gifted children. It has been very good for him, as not only is he learning much more, but he is being pushed to work much harder, become more organized and to take more responsibility for himself. In addition, Josiah loves all things football and baseball. Other sports are acceptable, but these are his two loves. He reads a lot, loves Christian rap (especially DC Talk) and incredible memory. He is especially kind-hearted, so can easily get taken advantage of by his sisters.

Rayana is 7 and has just learned to read in the first grade. She now reads everything she can get her hands on. She loves to draw and sing and create things. She wants to be a singer and a mom when she grows up. She loves school, misses her friends when she is not there, and loves to learn. She is also the most dramatic one, though she is very capable of turning it on and off quickly. It is usually either the best, or the worst, day of her life.

Noelle is 4 tells everyone she is homeschooled, which is completely accurate. She goes everywhere and does everything with me, and learns lots along the way. She knows how to play the youngest card, making a list of the things she is not capable of because she is the baby, such as folding her pajamas to put away. We are working on that. She is much more shy that they others, though very smart and very creative. She can write all her letters and her favorite thing to do is to write stories, asking me how to spell all the words she needs.

My husband is a teacher. He is loyal, generous, kind, and devoted. He loves sports also, and is highly involved in sports at the high school. He has verious jobs during each sporting season, and currently supervises all home basketball games. Josiah often goes with him, and the girls and I attend a few games as well. Randy has a very bad back, with affects most aspects of our lives. He is very supportive of all my crazy ideas and is my biggest fan, which I love. He is a great husband.

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